After School Program
Students make friends, enjoy a healthy meal, get help with homework and reading, play games, spend time outside and create crafts after school.

On Monday through Thursday, students read at least 20 minutes with a reading buddy or record themselves reading.
Every Friday is “Fun Friday,” and special activities or local and away fieldtrips take the place of homework time.
Where: Pigeon Center
Who: Prekindergarten through ninth-grade students
When: Weekday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The program starts after Labor Day and continues through mid-April.
Transportation: Students ride the bus, if available, or can be dropped off at the center. A van picks up students from Hazelwood Elementary School.
Cost: At least $100 per month is requested. A sliding scale is used to determine cost based on the ability to pay.
How to enroll: Call or visit the center. Complete an application. Up to 20 students can be served.
How to help: Volunteers help students with homework and serve as reading buddies. Volunteers also help prepare snacks and supper.
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