PCMDC’s Mural Project

In February 2023 the Waynesville Public Arts Commission heard voted to include the Pigeon Community Multidisciplinary Development Center as a site on the Waynesville Public Arts Trail. The panel considered artist proposals in a variety of media from artists from Western North Carolina and around the country. This project will be the 18th work in Waynesville’ Public Art Collection and will be the first work tied the Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center. 

The panel chose New York educator and public artist Kristy McCarthy to research, design and install a permanent mural at PCMDC’s offices at 450 Pigeon Street. The four-step-process for the mural will take place over approximately three months. Starting in April 2024 Kristy McCarthy will visit Haywood County to lead a community engagement workshop. In these workshops McCarthy will interact with Haywood community members to discover and draw out important themes, images, events that will be important to explore in the mural. McCarthy often incorporates history, nature, and culture and will explore those themes with this public art mural.  

 Secondly, at the end of April, McCarthy will draw together her research and present the mural design to the Waynesville Public Arts Commission. At this time McCarthy will have also hired two assistants who will help with the design, painting, and installation of the mural at PCMDC.   

On Saturday, May 22 First United Methodist Church, will host Waynesville Public Arts Commission for a project fundraiser that will include BBQ and local music. The event will be held from 3 pm – 8 pm on Saturday afternoon.

Finally from June 22-June 29, the mural will be drawn, painted, installed and sealed at the PCMCD. Please stay tuned to find out about some amazing community events we are having to celebrate. On June 22 at 10 AM there will be a community painting event where everyone can try their hand at coloring the mural that will eventually be the newest art work in the Waynesville Public Art Commission Collection.   

We would like to thank the the Waynesville Public Art Commission Collection for choosing PCMDC as their newest site on the Waynesville Public Art Trail.


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